Feb 25, 2018
As of today the hosts of ringside are committed to competing in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Curling. Practice begins next week and we won't stop till come home with the gold! check out websites - ringsidepreachers.com, Facebook page -ringsidepreachers, drop us a line! Great topics this week: Legacy of Billy Graham (well a gameshow about him at least), olympic sports, walk don't run in the rain. etc. Also our concerned seminarian makes an appearance midway through, after we talk about Jesus turning over the money changer tables! TOPICS: 1. ANOTHER SCHOOL SHOOTING! What's going on? What's the problem with young men today? Is it a simple as gun access? Should pastors take a stance on gun control? 2. WALK! DONT RUN IN THE RAIN. Men look foolish and weak when they race out to their car ducking their head because of the rain. Men shouldn't use umbrellas unless for someone else. What do you think? 3. WHY DOES JESUS THROW OVER THE MONEY CHANGER TABLES? WHO'S ZEAL DOES THE PSALMIST TALK ABOUT? Join us as we look to the famous episode of Jesus getting angry! What does it mean? 4. IS LIVING TOGETHER A SIN? WHERE IS THAT IN THE BIBLE? How do we deal with this epidemic in the church? Why is it wrong if they are just going to get married eventually CREDITS music: dead bees, i love my man j.a. hess, Shanghai checkout more of his stuff under willing virginia on soundcloud