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Ringside Preachers

Jan 30, 2017

It is 2 and 1/2 minutes to midnight but it ain't stopping the preachers! It could be 30 seconds to midnight and I'll still be talking Jesus. Come and hangout, laugh and learn! don't be afraid to disagree or debate. Topics: Doomsday clock says we are closer to the end - who cares!? Women's March fail? Is there something...

Jan 22, 2017

Banned in North Korea, Lichtenstein, and the indigenous Ichoteby tribes of the remote edges of the Andes, Ringside will not be denied! Enjoy a great episode recorded at Don Hall's lounge in Ft Wayne! It's like you're right there with a Negroni in your hand! Our usual hosts , Ross Engel, Paul Koch and Joel A Hess are...

Jan 16, 2017

They say Nutella isn't good for you anymore! Well this is! Spread it on your toast and have it morning, noon and night! Listen to the preachers talk about the hot topics of the day with a little seriousness and silliness. Topics: Do we need a free press? Does the New Testament interpret the old or vice versa? Thank you...

Jan 8, 2017

If you like Braunschweiger you're gonna love this! The fellas talk about a variety of subjects - go ahead skip around if you get bored! topics: its ok to party, but how? what in the world is epiphany? Why was Jesus baptized so what? debating and discussing some dude's 6 disruptive church trend blogpost. Sometimes God...